Our Team, Here for You
Like most of you, our team is working from home & continuing to tackle obstacles head-on. LSI is here to support our clients who have experienced major changes in their supply chain & demand.
Like most of you, our team is working from home & continuing to tackle obstacles head-on. LSI is here to support our clients who have experienced major changes in their supply chain & demand.
Join us for a special Opcenter APS (Preactor Advanced Planning & Scheduling) training webinar! In this session, LSI’s Greg Miller will show you how quickly & easily users are able to make necessary adjustments to the schedule when unexpected issues arise, by walking through common scheduling “What If’s?”
Opcenter APS (Preactor) has an unbelievable amount of configurability. One important function that is quickly & easily modified to reflect your shop floor scheduling realities is the flexibility you have to adjust your Primary Calendars.
In response to the challenges that we are all facing together due to the spread of COVID-19, LSI’s Senior Partner Dan Hahn released the following statement Tuesday morning affirming that we are here, utilizing the tools we have in place and continuing to work with you the way we always have.
If you’re still on the old license platform, it’s important that you reach out to us for the license upgrade before October 2020! If you do not make the change before that time, you will no longer be eligible for maintenance and support.
We all need a little help sometimes. We are here to support you! Whether your issue is big or small, the LSI Helpdesk will help get you the solution that you need. Let’s have a look…
At LSI, we use the APS Pyramid to help clients understand how they are using APS compared to what others are doing. This is very useful for companies who have achieved some success but are ready to go to the next level.