Track-It! – LSI’s Shop Floor Data Collection Tool

If you’re in manufacturing, you know just how important it is to keep track of your work orders on the shop floor. However, you might not be compelled to invest in a complex Manufacturing Execution System (MES). For that reason, LSI has developed Track-It! to be your shop floor data collection tool! Track-It! is a shop floor data collection tool that was designed by LSI to be minimalistic and to work lightweight in a browser that is accessible from anywhere. Track-It! seamlessly integrates with Siemens’ Opcenter APS, formerly known as Preactor Advanced Planning & Scheduling software, so that all orders can be tracked & updated to the minute by the scheduling team.

Shop Track-It! Overview

Other LSI Tools

Track-It! is just one of the solutions that LSI has developed to help manufacturers to gain greater insight & boost efficiency. Be sure to check out these other tools that also integrate with Opcenter APS:

Promise-It! allows customer service and sales representatives to simultaneously give clients an accurate and instant estimated delivery date based on their current workload on any web-enabled device. Companies can win orders based on actual lead times as opposed to standard lead times.

Tag-It! is a change management notification tool that provides instant notification when selected orders or clients are impacted by changes in the schedule. Tag-It! allows users to follow select jobs by receiving warning e-mail or text messages if they are projected to be delayed.

Snapshot allows the scheduler to instantly focus on projected KPI’s such as on-time deliveries, setup times and other custom metrics. Snapshot leverages the power of Preactor and allows the user to visualize the results of their actions. What differentiates Snapshot from other BI tools is the ability to show key indicators instantly as the Preactor schedule changes, allowing the scheduler to see if different rules and different actions reflect positively or negatively on the Preactor schedule.

For more information or to see a demo, send over an email at [email protected] or contact us here!

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