Category: APS


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Are you on the new Preactor license structure??

If you’re still on the old license platform, it’s important that you reach out to us for the license upgrade before October 2020! If you do not make the change before that time, you will no longer be eligible for maintenance and support.


Introducing: OPCENTER

It can be frustrating to have multiple business applications that operate independently of one another. The lack of unity and communication can cause headache after headache when, in reality, your processes are intertwined. We can help!


NOW AVAILABLE: Preactor APS version 17.2

We are excited to announce the latest version of Preactor APS has been released! Version 17.2 features improvements to Advanced Planning, material pegging and Gantt interaction.


APS and Cognac!

Who doesn’t like a good cognac after a delicious meal? Martell, a global cognac producer is also a successful user of Preactor APS.


Empowering the Planner

“By empowering the planner, APS may be a company’s important first step in digitalization.”


Crossing the Chasm from ERP to APS

Crossing the Chasm, coined by Geoffrey Moore, define how product marketers need to look at technology adoption. But, it also fits when we look at APS v.s. ERP processes.


Introducing: Forecast Pro!

Forecast Pro is proven off-the-shelf software used by organizations around the globe for creating statistically-based accurate forecasts that can be readily integrated into broader planning systems and seamlessly integrates with Preactor’s Advanced Planning & Scheduling modules!


Changing Routes

Implementing an Advanced Planning & Scheduling (APS) system would be easy if you could just import data from your ERP system and use it to create a schedule. But unfortunately, that is rarely the case.


How to be Faster and Smarter Than Your Larger Competitors

Traditionally the economies of scale have made it difficult or even impossible for smaller companies to break into industries that have been dominated by large monolithic organizations. But fundamental shifts in the market are wreaking havoc and leveling the playing field.

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